Název článku | Rok |
Cmorej, P.C., Hrach, K., Argayova, I., Peran, D., Pekara, J., Jarabicova, O., Kelbich, P., Spicka, J., Ralbovska, D.R. Impact of Personal Protective Equipment on the Quality of Chest Compressions in Prehospital Care: A Prospective Randomized Crossover Study. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine | 2023 |
Peran, D., Sykora, R., Vidunova, J., Krsova, I., Pekara, J., Renza, M., Brizgalova, N., Cmorej, P.C. Non-technical skills in pre-hospital care in the Czech Republic: a prospective multicentric observational study (NTS study). BMC Emergency Medicine. | 2022 |
Otřísal, P., Ralbovská, D.R., Cmorej, P.C. Analysis of Manifestations of Aggression in the Intervention of the Emergency Medical Service. Challenges to National Defence in Contemporary Geopolitical Situation. | 2022 |
Cmorej, P., Bruthans, P., Halamka, J., Voriskova, I., Peran, D. Life-Threatening Cyanide Intoxication after Ingestion of Amygdalin in Prehospital Care. Prehospital Emergency Care. | 2022 |
Šín, R., Sedláček, D., Cmorej, P.C., Peřan, D. Cerebellar syndrome as a complication of COVID-19 disease. Neuroendocrinology Letters. | 2021 |
Peřan, D., Cmorej, P.C., Nesvadba, M., Pekara, J. Algorithm for differential diagnosis of urological symptoms in primary health care. Prakticky Lekar. | 2021 |
Peran, D., Kodet, J., Pekara, J., Mala, L., Truhlar, A., Cmorej, P.C., Lauridsen, K.G., Sari, F., Sykora, R. ABCDE cognitive aid tool in patient assessment – development and validation in a multicenter pilot simulation study. BMC Emergency Medicine. | 2020 |
Cmorej, P., Smrzova, E., Peran, D., Bulikova, T. CPR Induced Inappropriate Shocks from a Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator during Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Prehospital Emergency Care | 2020 |
Peřan, D., Mlynářová, D., Pekara, J., Cmorej, P.Ch., Černá Pařízková, R. Refusal of patient admission from pre-hospital care by the provider of acute inpatient care. Anesteziologie a intenzivní medicína | 2020 |
Šín, R., Kubiska, M., Cmorej, P.C., Váchalová, J. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the COVID-19 disease in adult patients. Neuroendocrinology Letters. | 2020 |
Peran, D., Pekara, J., Cmorej, P., Nesvadba, M., Marx, D. Cognitive aid in telecommunication information handover-prospective field experimental open-label study. Neuroendocrinology Letters. | 2020 |
Pekara, J., Peřan, D., Zvolský, P., Cmorej, P.C., Janota, T., Nesvadba, M. Modified valsalva manoeuvre in pre-hospital care – a case report. Kardiologicka Revue. | 2020 |
Peřan, D., Cmorej, P.C., Nesvadba, M., Pekara, J., Bulíková, T. ECG diagnostic of first contact by means of eight steps. Kardiologická Revue. | 2020 |
Knor, J., Pekara, J., Šeblová, J., Peřan, D., Cmorej, P., Němcová, J. Qualitative research of violent incidents toward young paramedics in the Czech Republic. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. | 2020 |
Peran, D., Cmorej, P.C., Pekara, J. Bystander hit by leakage current from S-ICD. Resuscitation. | 2019 |
Cmorej, P.C., Nesvadba, M., Mamova, A., Babela, R., Peran, D., Pekara, J., Kohlova, A., Bures, P., Trpisovsky, J., Fleishmann, O., Pfefferova, E. Anaphylaxis in public health. Neuroendocrinology Letter. | 2019 |
Cmorej, P.C., Peřan, D., Amoussa, J., Nedvěd, V., Pekara, J., Böhm, P., Bulíková, T. Delayed onset of ventricular fibrillation after low voltage electrical injury. Cardiology Letters. | 2019 |
Peran, D., Pekara, J., Cmorej, P., Kohlova, A., Marx, D. Clinical handover of patients for specialized centre care from pre-hospital to in-hospital care – a narrative review. Cardiology Letters. | 2019 |
Bulíková, T., Cmorej, P.C.H. Bystander CPR and successful primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Cardiology Letters. | 2019 |
Peran, D., Pukovcova, K., Pekara, J., Nesvadba, M., Nedved, V., Cmorej, P.C., Bohm, P., Mamova, A. Lithium intoxication in the pre-hospital care with stroke symptoms. Neuroendocrinology Letters. | 2019 |
Škulec, R., Cmorej, P.C., Durila, M., Peřan, D., Rennét, O., Večeřa, L., Vojtíšek, P. Emergency medicine ultrasound curriculum for emergency medicine physicians. Anesteziologie a Intenzivni Medicina. | 2018 |
Cmorej, P.C.H., Smržová, E., Bulíková, T., Peřan, D., Kohlová, A., Fleischmann, O. Inappropriate shocks from subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator induced by chest compressions. Cardiology Letters. | 2018 |
Cmorej, P.Ch., Smržová, E., Mach, J. Failure of cardiac rhythm analysis by automated external defibrillator in an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Anesteziologie a Intenzivni Medicina. | 2018 |

David Peřan, Patrik Christian Cmorej, Marcel Nesvadba
Rok vydání: 2023
Vydavatel: Grada Publishing

David Peřan, Patrik Christian Cmorej, Jaroslav Pekara, Marcel Nesvadba
Rok vydání: 2020 Vydavatel: Grada Publishing

Marcel Nesvadba, Patrik Christian Cmorej, David Peřan
Rok vydání: 2020
Vydavatel: Mladá Fronta

David Peřan, Patrik Christian Cmorej, Marcel Nesvadba
Rok vydání: 2020 Vydavatel: Grada Publishing

Marcel Nesvadba, Patrik Christian Cmorej, David Peřan
Rok vydání: 2021
Vydavatel: Axonite

Patrik Christian Cmorej, Martin Kubát, Martin Repko, Robert Schröder, Jan Trpišovský, Medeilene Wagner
Rok vydání: 2020
Vydavatel: Text&Dialog
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